Our dentists may recommend using an oral hygiene aid as part of your home care routine. Oral hygiene aids are designed to help keep your teeth and gums clean so that you can maintain a healthy smile.
Common oral hygiene aids include:
- Toothbrushes — Toothbrushes are one of the most commonly used oral hygiene aids. You should brush your teeth at least twice each day, and we strongly recommend brushing your teeth before bed. Many dentists recommend using an electric toothbrush for maximum results. You should replace your toothbrush every three months.
- Floss — Floss is also a commonly used oral hygiene aid. You should floss daily to remove plaque, debris and bacteria from between your teeth and under your gumline.
- Oral water irrigators — Oral water irrigators work by sending a continuous spray of water into your mouth to clean below the gumline and remove bacteria and food particles from gum pockets. They are highly effective in reducing your risk of gum disease but do not replace regular brushing and flossing.
- Interdental cleaners — An interdental cleaner is a tiny brush that cleans the contours of the teeth between the gums. They are very gentle on the gums and are often recommended as a supplement to regular brushing and flossing.
- Mouthrinses — Mouthrinses help fight bad breath, cavities and plaque in your mouth. Our dentists can recommend an appropriate mouthrinse for you if needed.
- Tongue cleaners — Tongue cleaners help to remove the buildup of bacteria, food debris and fungi on your tongue. They are used prior to brushing your teeth.
- Rubber tip stimulators — This oral hygiene aid works to remove plaque from around the gumline and stimulate blood flow to the gums.
If you have any questions about oral hygiene aids or would like to make an appointment with our dentists and team, call our office today!